Levi and I were holding down my buddies security camera store as this hot Mommy strolled in. She was the typical Mother in distress. They are all over S. Florida if you haven't noticed. She was keeping her cool and not showing off her desperation. Most women are good at that until they get into a bind. Levi and I found her clutch which was protecting her kids and home from the crazy ex husband, but can't afford the major security upgrade. We were offering a sweet deal, and we finally got her to say the what we wanted to hear, I'll do anything, I need this. One quick kiss, and her sweet fat but cheeks were getting smacked around. When she got turned on, she really let us know. She took charge and help make a mess of the office. She was bouncing like crazy on Levi's cock. I am surprised the desk stayed up. Levi got his nut, I got the video, and she got her cameras.
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